@book { MinimallyinvasivesurgeryoftheHorse, title = "Minimally invasive surgery of the Horse", subtitle = "Upper Respiratory Tract, Thorax, Abdomen, Urogenital Tract", author = "Prof. Dr. Michael {Röcken} and Prof. Dr. Bernhard {Ohnesorge} and Priv.-Doz. Dr. Claus Peter {Bartmann} and Prof. Dr. Walter {Brehm} and Dr. Kerstin {Gerlach} and Dr. Klaus {Hopster} and Prof. Dr. Astrid {Rijkenhuizen} and Dr. Doreen {Scharner}", year = "2022", publisher = "Schlütersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG", address = ", Deutschland", url = "https://schluetersche.openpublishing.com/document/1254443" }